Male is any participant whose biological sex at birth is male.
Female is any participant whose biological sex at birth is female.
Non binary is any participant that does not identify as a male or female and any participant who is currently in transition and is taking treatments and hormones.
Under 19 is ages 13 – 18 only
Open is any age, 13 and over
Under 35 is ages 23 – 34 only
Under 45 is ages 23 – 44 only
Over 44 is ages 45 and over
Team 2X/4X/8X Under 19 is any team with an average age 13 – 18 only
Team 2X/4X/8X Under 23 is any team with an average age 13 – 22 only
Team 2X/4X/8X Under 45 is any team with an average age 23 – 44 only
Team 2X/4X/8X Over 44 is any team with an average age 45 and over
There are both individual and team adaptive events. For the individual events, there are age qualifications and three sport classifications:
Individual erg competitions will all consist of direct to final races. The best times for all the events win first, second, and third place medals. In the instance where there are only three competitors, there will be a first and second place medal. In the instance where there are only two competitors, there will be a first place medal. If there is only one entry for a given category, the entry will be moved up to the next competitive level, or the entry will be given the option to scratch with a refund.
Team erg competitions will consist of heats and finals except if, after the close of entries, the ergatta committee determines that there would be insufficient time to complete all the competitions. In that case, there will be heats only and the winners will be selected from the best times for first, second, and third place medals.. In the instance where there are only three competitors, there will be a first and second place medal. In the instance where there are only two competitors, there will be a first place medal. If there is only one entry for a given category, the entry will be moved up to the next competitive level, or the entry will be given the option to scratch with a refund.
Team erg competitions on Regatta Central will mirror a boat entry for an on the water regatta: a team name will be entered, and the names of the participants for the team entered. Team names are encouraged to be creative, playful, and mildly baudy.